Begin a journey to loving relationship
with self and others.

Steps to Self-Love

Relationship with self is a foundation of all our relationships

STEP 1 Take the Self-Love Quiz (Below)

This will help you to define your start point.

STEP 2 Journal about your dream outcome

What is your destination?
What does your life look like here?
Who is with you?
How do you spend your time?
How are you feeling?
How do you treat yourself?

STEP 3 Tools ( Below )

Which of the tools listed below do you already know and practice?
Which of them you need to learn how to use?

STEP 4 Obstacles

Identify potential obstacles on the journey - I am here to help you.

STEP 5 Enjoy your journey, it is a beautiful adventure.


Rate from 0-1 (you can use .5)

  1. How well are you showing interest in yourself by paying attention to your feelings, thoughts, needs, internal dialog ?

  2. How well are you offering yourself what you offer people you love or what you would like to receive from others ? for eg. validation, compassion, support, understanding, words of affirmation, fun, solutions to challenges, forgiveness

  3. How well are you taking responsibility and accountability for things in your life which require your effort, attention and time but are challenging or overwhelming?

  4. How well are you setting boundaries ? so you can feel safe and connected with others

  5. Do you have healthy habits for self care ?

  6. Do you allow yourself to pursue your dreams ?

Your score :

If your answer to these questions is zero or has low score. Tell yourself that you are in the process of learning how to love yourself and to better understand yourself and the first step you have already done.



Self-discovery questions

About human behaviors, attachment styles, and subconscious mind

Spiritual Practice


Learning New Relationship Skills

Coaching Session

Arts, crafts, music, dance, movement and self-expression

Subconscious Reprogramming

Self-Care Routine

New Hobbies

Self Soothing
body level ( tapping, somatic processing )
mental level ( questioning story, re-framing thoughts, thought pattern interruption )

Meeting Needs & Receiving

Conflict Communication Skills

Inner Child Work

Identify Potential Obstacles

Obstacles on your journey might include:

  1. Subconsciously stored limiting beliefs and associations to love, connection, abundance, success

  2. Unhealthy coping mechanisms

  3. Lack of supportive habits

  4. Attachment adaptations like codependency and perfectionism

Don’t worry , like every journey it is about overcoming obstacles, exploring, moving forward, learning  and adventure. I am here for you and to offer you tools which will help you to overcome these obstacles.